Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Question two

Question two - how effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 

The impact my main product and ancillary text has on my target audience has been a prominent factor throughout my project, I wanted my video to appeal to young teenage audiences both male and female and to be of the RNB genre. The impact on the audience could be argued to be catharsis as it creates and encourages a desire of the lifestyle the stars lead from the audience. My video features money, drinking, outfits, a nightclub which all significantly connote wealth and pleasurable activities. Therefore for my ancillary texts I firstly collected lots of images of the female character Nicki Minaj, however some of the images were unclear having been captured on a mobile device. I decided to retake some more images in my spare time and uploaded them onto the computer so I could view them properly. I then chose an image from my personal preference and gathered some audience feedback to compare. I adapted the images and backgrounds in photoshop, a program on the college computer which enables you to crop and edit your image. From researching various examples of magazine adverts by other RNB artists and including them on my blog also, I could compare the images I had collected with them in order to create a professional outcome. I used a cropping tool to cut around the image I had chosen in order to create a track lost by placing the image on a black background so the writing could stand out with the artist as opposed to the image. I realised this was more successful that my first attempt which was to adjust the size of my image and then add text onto the existing image, this made the image and text appear unclear, research showed that it is more acceptable for the magazine front cover and the digipak to look edited, therefore this was not a concern. I originally looked at the 'roman reloaded' album by the artist I have studied Nicki Minaj, however it was difficult to make something so abstract and busy look effective and professional, I decided to keep it plain and simple but including all the information needed. The colours for the RNB genre are stereotypically reds and blacks and other deep colours, with images of jewellery and nice cars behind the artists on them, this was my original idea as I chose a picture of my artist with a bracelet, ring and revealing clothing being obvious from the image. However when I researched the RNB/hip-hop genre further I found that this was not the case with Nicki Minaj instead she bases her covers around bright colours and abstract images, I decided to use a mixture of this in my magazine front cover. By creating a rough hand drawn example of the layout for my front cover and digipak and then an ICT draft I was able to refer to these to see of my magazine advert complied with them, this also made it easier when it came to editing as I could transfer the layout outline onto photoshop and fill each section from there. This made the ancillary texts quite straight forward as I had already identified the conventions I wanted to include and their positioning. 

For my second ancillary text, I created a digipak, i used screenshots from my music video as this gave me a variety of images I could include, I made sure I took plenty of screen shots so I had an adequate amount to choose from. This improved the continuity of my digipak as it created a link between my ancillary texts and my video. I wanted to keep continuity between each of my ancillary texts and a continuing themes, I did this by using similar colours between each of my ancillary texts and reoccurring images of the same artist. I adapted the layout from my hand drawn draft and ICT draft to the finished product slightly however this improved the overall outcome and the conventions remained the same and were still included, this helped me to create a digipak suitable to my genre. By researching several other digipaks that are already existing gave me inspiration for creating my overall outcome. 

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