Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Question four

Question four- how did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 

Media technologies have made this project possible to achieve, I have used so many throughout this project including my mobile phone, for playing back the song for my characters to dance to, for taking and collecting images of my chosen female character, for researching using youtube, and taking videos for ideas of what I wanted for my final draft. I have used my iPhone and iPad for the latest updates on iTunes and the youtube channel, I have also used them to monitor my blog, monitor my audience feedback on Facebook, upload videos from my mobile device to my blog, upload photos of the theatre i used for filming to my blog. I have used my mobile phone and laptop devices to benefit from using the Internet to research and plan my music video, researching my chosen genre, artist and audience and existing products to give me inspiration for my final product. I have used Microsoft both on the computers in college and my laptop and iPad at home to type up work and upload to my blog for example my planning, and evaluation and any other key information I felt I wanted to include for myself to refer to and to gain marks for my coursework. I used go animate for changing my hand written story board into an animation to save time when viewing it and to refer to the planning I had originally created for my video and also to evaluate against when my video had been created. I used photoshop for my ancillary texts, for editing, cropping and improving the ages I had collected and adding text to them for my magazine advert, track list and digipak. This proved very useful providing me with endless tools and effects making my ancillary texts look more professional. I then used  a program named adobe premier probe CS6, to edit, crop, and render my music video, this was very time consuming however the footage was easy to upload, but lip syncing the video with the mp3 track proved difficult, if I and the chance to do this project again I would attempt to find another way of recording footage already linked to the mp3 track ski could dedicate more time to the editing of my video as opposed to adjusting the timing of the mp3 track to the video. By experimenting with the edits on the adobe premier probe program, I was able to improve my video by overlapping shots between close ups, mid shots and long shots, I have also included dissolves and fades to increase how professional the video looked, and experimenting and improving my knowledge of the program, for example reversing sequences so the video plays backwards and increasing or decreasing the speed of the video and adjusting the opacity of the shots. My research showed that videos currently in the charts are very performative and often heavily edited to keep the audiences eyes busy. From my feedback, the videos with less narrative structure and more performative, flashing shots seemed to please my target audience. The use of confusing narratives in Nicki Minaj's video but strong editing and performance makes her videos eccentric and exciting, I wanted to do this for my music video therefore the editing I used was vital. I was able to edit the video by booking a time slot pro actively with the other peers in my class in the college editing suite. This proved challenging towards deadlines finding a time when another member of the class did not need access to the editing machine, but the program was easy and effective to use. 

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