This is the CD cover of the single i have used for my music video, the image is the most dominant part of the cover consuming the majority of the space, the artists name are set in neon pink and orange to stand out. The colour is dark, showing navy and blues, her costume is an all in one animal print which is suggestive of her suxuality and also the lack of coverage suggests confidence and the outfit almost becomes iconic. The rrack is shared with 2 chainz, we can see him slightly on the cover however by dressing him in black this means Nicki Minaj is the figure our eyes are immediately drawn to and what we focus on. Nicki Minaj is quite a unique and abstarct atrist and soemtimes quite outrageous with her choice of outfits and song lyrics, here her outfit is revealing once again but also her stance is confident, standing tall but could also be percieved as slightly inappropriate by standing with her legs open wearing tight colthing around her bottom. Her bottom is quite iconic and therefore the lighting has been focused on this, this has been done purposefully. this is also emphasised by the fact we cannnot see her face this is suggesting that she is so well known by her image and her bottom that we dont need to see her face to know it is her.
Id like to use an idea like this for my subsidiary texts as it is not overcrowded, the image is refelctive of the artist and the writing is easy to clear, the song title is in bold and the artists are clearly stated.
The target audience is most probably young females that enjoy her music however by featuring 2 chainz on this track she expands her target audience to perhpas young males also. This particular cover could appeal to males also as Nicki Minaj is also seen by audiences as a sex icon.
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