Friday, 8 March 2013

CD cover five


This is an example of a more traditional RnB album cover, it complies with the codes and coventions of this genre completely. The album cover is simlar to the first CD cover i have included an example of the model here is also stood with her legs apart suggesting sexual connotations, this is the same as Nicki Minaj in the first cover, The use of Red writing is bold and also connotes love and lust which are evident in the lyrics for a lot of RnB hits. the use of an expensive, white limo suggests fame and fortune and the use of cars is very prominant in RnB music video as it suggest wealth and fame. the use of a bracelt and ring suggest wealth also and is also portrayed in music videos as 'bling', this is also evident in a lot of Nicki Minaj's videos. The model is wearing a small white dress which does not cover much of her which is also simialrly done in the first Cd cover example I have included of Nicki Minaj. Nicki Minaj differs from this as a lot of her album covers include a close image of her facial features and expressions to appeal to her target audience. This album cover does not focus on one artist imparticular, i chose to analyse it as it follows the codes and conventions of the RnB genre. The cover also includes a stamp that says 'parental advisory' in the bottom left hand corner this is to suggest that the album may not be suitable for younger audiences.

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